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13932017-06-09How to do binary file search and replace with regular expression?Search replace binary2682
12512014-09-17How to speed up while replacing large amount or size of files?Replace text in multiple files2470
12452014-09-08How to batch download UTF-8 files?Batch download3625
10822013-05-24How to convert list of hexadecimal to binary ?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter3425
10762013-05-03How to find out utf8-BOM encoded files among many files in a folder?Character encoding3915
10452013-01-19How to clean a text file by removing hi-bit characters and binary garbage?Regular expression replace3576
9922012-08-19How to put artist into ID3 tag in multiple mp3 files?Search replace binary3430
8482011-09-04How to join many binary files to one single file with specified order?Text merge4642
7022011-01-20How to remove the 120 bytes that followed by ABC in binary files?Search replace binary3579
7002011-01-18How to modify multiple binary files by removing bytes starts from 206?Search replace binary3254
6952011-01-10How to convert the decimal IP address into binary format with 0 and 1?Bin Hex Oct Dec converter4083
6332010-10-18How to batch strip/remove utf8 BOM for many files? (Replace Pioneer new version) Replace text in multiple files8620
6312010-10-15How to batch add utf8 BOM for many files? (with Replace Pioneer new version)Replace text in multiple files7952
6202010-09-26Is there any online tool to batch replace text file with regular expression?Replace text in multiple files3475
5952010-08-23How to find bytes 0xAB**CD and replace with 0xCD**AB in multiple binary files?Search replace binary3584
5842010-08-09How to batch decode multiple files that were base64 encoded?Character encoding7568
5802010-08-04How to make base64 encoding on multiple files?Character encoding4133
5792010-08-02How to convert multiple text files from DOS format to UNIX format?Replace text in multiple files3811
5782010-08-01How to convert multiple text files from UNIX format to DOS format?Replace text in multiple files3760
5672010-07-17How to delete everything starting specific bytes till the end in many files?Search replace binary3709
4982010-05-05How to batch extract ascii text from multiple binary files, such as exe files?Text file parser4778
4872010-04-24How to replace specified word with increasing binary sequence?Advanced search and replace3306
4702010-04-07How to modify multiple binary files by reversing every bit inside them?Search replace binary3582
4592010-03-26How to decode all 8-bits binary sequences into English chars?Advanced search and replace2647
4522010-03-19How to count the occurrance of each bytes from 00-FF in a binary file?Count and statistics2810
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